School level activity: The Mat of Responsibilities
School level activity: The Mat of Responsibilities .......................................................................... 1
Teacher’s Section ................................................................................................................................ 1
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 1
Expected Outcomes – ......................................................................................................................... 1
Steps for the activity ........................................................................................................................... 1
Reflection Sheet ............................................................................................................................. 3
Teacher’s Section
Freedom of speech considered the basic freedom by most philosophical thinkers, consists of several
facets, including the right to express one’s opinion unhindered, unfettered by the fear of retribution. It is
one of the most basic elements for a healthy, open-minded democracy. It allows people to freely
participate in the social and political happenings of their country.
Let our students understand the value of the same by expressing themselves through Art and craft about,
‘me and my responsibility towards me, my family, my school, my neighbourhood and my country at large’.
Expected Outcomes –
1. Students will be able to think and learn about their responsibilities towards themselves, family,
class, school, society and country
2. Students will express their knowledge and opinion through art and craft in a fun based learning
3. Students will be able to analyse the larger picture through the mat of responsibilities they create,
and the observations they make
Material Required –
Chart papers (A4 size and different colours), colours, pencil, glue, old magazines, newspapers,
scissors etc.
Steps for the activity
1. Divide the whole class into 6 groups and provide the art and craft supply to each group.
Distribute the task of creating chart/poster/collage to each group on
1. Me and my responsibility towards myself
2. Me and my responsibility towards my family
3. Me and my responsibility towards my class
4. Me and my responsibility towards my school
5. Me and my responsibility towards my society/neighbourhood
6. Me and my responsibility towards my country
2. Let them work in groups and ensure the discussion and dialogue and team effort for creating the
3. Give 45 minutes to create the material and then ask them to make a big collage/web/mat by
placing different responsibilities around me and my responsibility.
4. Make a big mat and display in school premises/assembly hall with class details.
5. Ask students to view other class work and make a comparison note on what are the similarities and
what are the main differences.
Me and my responsibility
towards myself
Me and my responsibility
towards my family
Me and my responsibility
towards my class
Me and my responsibility
towards my school
Me and my responsibility
towards my
Me and my responsibility
towards my country
For Ex. – Write up and paste or draw pictures
• To keep myself clean
• To keep myself healthy by eating
healthy food and daily exercise etc.
Reflection Sheet
My Learnings from the activity
My observations on other’s Responsibility mat
Any 5 Similarities
Any 5 Differences